Children are becoming weaker and they aren’t able to do some exercises that were easy for children ten years ago research says that. Children today can do fewer sit-ups and pull-ups. We are 1 about children’s health because of fewer outdoor activities.
Children today spend more and more time 2 the house --- watching TV surfing the 3 or doing homework instead of taking part in outdoor activities such as playing basketball. Playing basketball is a fun and exciting 4 . Activities like that give your body a good exercise.
Outdoor activities are also helpful for children’s 5 . Learning is also possible outside the classroom. There are so many things to find outside the house. It is good for children to 6 the beauty of nature.
What’s more outdoor activities improve teamwork. No one 7 to play outside alone. It is best to play in pairs or in groups. Of course if you have team members you have to learn how to cooperate and 8 them.
Are you tired of MP3 players computers or TV? Why not give them up? Playing outdoors can give you fun and 9 air. Take part in outdoor activities and enjoy a healthier 10 !
1. A. happy B. worried C. angry D. excited
2. A. inside B. outside C. around D. und
3. A. water B. grass C. sand D. Internet
4. A. sport B. book C. fruit D. film
5. A. legs B. eyes C. body D. study
6. A. say B. enjoy C. believe D. think
7. A. listens B. asks C. hurries D. likes
8. A. give up B. look at C. communicate with D. beg for
9. A. fresh B. dirty C. strong D. smelly
10. A. holiday B. food C. lifestyle D. nature
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