早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Tom arrived at the bus station early for Paris bus.(变同义句)
2.The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve(变同义句)
3.He saw l lot of people waiting in the station .(变成复合句)
4.”Few people come here"(变反意疑问句)
1.Tom arrived at the bus station early for Paris bus.(变同义句)
2.The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve(变同义句)
3.He saw l lot of people waiting in the station .(变成复合句)
4.”Few people come here"(变反意疑问句)
1 Tom got to the bus station early for Paris bus.2 The bus for paris would leave at five to twelve.3 He saw there were a lot of people waiting in the station.4 Do few people come here?
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