早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.After watching the match,Let's go on doing our homework.
2.I can't help cleaning the classroom because my mother asks me to go home at once.
3.Much attention should be paid to improve your handwriting,or you won't get high marks.
4.My old grandpa always forgets locking the door but he always says that he remembers locking it.
5.Amy wasn't allowed going to bed until she finished her homework.
6.We shall appreciate to hear from you again.
7.It was said that his bother had admitted to have stolen the money from the bank.
8.I can't imagine to live without water in summer.
1 let's 改为 we
2 cleaning 改成clean.
3 improve -- improving
4 locking--to lock
5 going -- to go
6 to hear-- hearing
7 bother -- brother
8 to live -- living