早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.How big is this coat?
What is the size of this coat?
2.How heavy is that parcel?
What is the_________________________
3.How long is that field?
What is ___________________________
4.How deep is that lake?
5.How wide is that road?
1.How big is this coat?
What is the size of this coat?
2.How heavy is that parcel?
What is the_________________________
3.How long is that field?
What is ___________________________
4.How deep is that lake?
5.How wide is that road?
1.How big is this coat?
What is the size of this coat?
2.How heavy is that parcel?
What is the weight of that parcel?
3.How long is that field?
What is length of that field?
4.How deep is that lake?
What is the depth of that lake?
5.How wide is that road?
What is the width of that road?
What is the size of this coat?
2.How heavy is that parcel?
What is the weight of that parcel?
3.How long is that field?
What is length of that field?
4.How deep is that lake?
What is the depth of that lake?
5.How wide is that road?
What is the width of that road?
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