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英语初学 请帮忙看下这个小短文,自己写的,帮忙纠正所有错误,以及提出更好的表达方法
Today morning,I found I had a fever when I got up,and I feel no strength.So I went to My school doctor room and describe the problem of mine.The doctor look at me and used his hand touched my forehead a little while.He had anger on his face and he said "You have not any illness,may be you sleep to late yesterday.I suggest you can't stay up next time ". I side thanks to doctor.After that I took my textbook to classroom . At the class I feel clear-headed at beginning.After a short while, I dozed off on the table.When the class had final,I were very regret .So I made up my mind to sleep early at evening from now on.
Today morning,I found I had a fever when I got up,and I feel no strength.So I went to My school doctor room and describe the problem of mine.The doctor look at me and used his hand touched my forehead a little while.He had anger on his face and he said "You have not any illness,may be you sleep to late yesterday.I suggest you can't stay up next time ". I side thanks to doctor.After that I took my textbook to classroom . At the class I feel clear-headed at beginning.After a short while, I dozed off on the table.When the class had final,I were very regret .So I made up my mind to sleep early at evening from now on.
When I got up today morning,I felt ill. So I went to school hospital to see doctor.The doctor looked at me and touched my forehead a little while by his hand.He had anger on his face and he said "You have not any illness,maybe you sleep too late yesterday. I suggest you can't stay up so late next time ". I said thanks to the doctor.Then, I took my textbooks to classroom . At the beginning of the class I felt clear-headed , but I dozed off on the table in a few minutes.When finished the class,I were very regret that I don't listen to the teacher well . I made up my mind to sleep early in the evening from now on.
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