早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


      John wants to borrow a book from the library.He comes to the library with his classmates.They can't
see any assistant in it,but only some robots standing there.He says to the robot,"Hey,give me a book on
music." But the robot doesn't move.
      Then another student tells John,"You must say 'Excuse me' and 'Please' first when you want some help."
John does so and the robot brings the book.But John can't get the book from the robot's hands.He thinks
for a moment,then he says a word to the robot.
     The robot gives him the book.John gets the book and goes home happily.
(     )1.Robots work in the library.
(     )2.If you want to borrow a book,you should say "Hey,give me a book."
(     )3.John wants to borrow a book on art.
(     )4.John should say "Thanks" when he wants to get the book from the robot.
(     )5.John goes to the library with his brother.
1-5  T F F T F

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