早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
初中英语美文美句 越多越好 ︵ ︶
初中英语美文美句 越多越好 ︵ ︶
1.life is not a dress rehearsal.
2.it's your choice,not destiny.
3.we don't know what we've gotten until we lose it,it's the same that we don't know what we 've been missing until it arrives.
4.you don't miss your water till the well runs dry.
5.churchill spoke,'i have nothing to offer but hard work,tears and sweat.you ask what is our policy?i will tell you it is to fight,with all our force and all the strengh that god can give us.you ask what is our policy?i can answer you in one word:victory.'
2.it's your choice,not destiny.
3.we don't know what we've gotten until we lose it,it's the same that we don't know what we 've been missing until it arrives.
4.you don't miss your water till the well runs dry.
5.churchill spoke,'i have nothing to offer but hard work,tears and sweat.you ask what is our policy?i will tell you it is to fight,with all our force and all the strengh that god can give us.you ask what is our policy?i can answer you in one word:victory.'
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