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定语从句专练 I. 用适当的关系代词填空 1. He prefers the vegetables __________ are from his parents’
1.Wheat is a plant. It is planted in the north of China.
2.You went to see a movie with a girl last night. Who is the girl?
3.You lost a dictionary in the school library last week. Have you found it?
4.I saw the short old man in the meeting room this morning. Now where is he?
5.The great man once lived in that house. Can you show me around the house?
6.A lady came to our shop to buy a woolen dress. Are you the lady?
7.You often talk of your professor. Is that old man the professor?
8.I will always remember the days. I spent those days in that beautiful city with my husband.
9.That is the college. I visited that college two months ago.
10.San Francisco is a famous city. Great earthquake often shook that city.
I.用适当的关系代词填空 填which
1.Wheat is a plant which is planted in the north of China.
2.Who is the girl with whom you went to see a movie last night?
3.Have you found the dictionary that you lost in the school library last week?
4.Now where is the short old man who I saw in the meeting room this morning?
5.Can you show me around the house where the great man once lived?
6.Are you the lady who came to our shop to buy a woolen dress?
7.Is that old man of whom you often talk the professor?
8.I will always remember the days that I spent in that beautiful city with my husband.
9.That is the college which I visited two months ago.
10.San Francisco is a famous city which is often shaken by great earthquake.

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