早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



根据句意用方框里所给形容词的适当形式填空, 每个词限用一次





fast , good ,  close , interesting, comfortable , heavy , expensive , cheap , strong , light busy , short weak , easy , difficult





1. Which is the_,a  train a car or a plane?

2. My father is strong while my uncle  is_.

3.Of the three boys Li Ming's English is  the_.

4.1 like this book because 1 think it  is_than that one.

5. This room is a bit small hut it is the_of  the three.

6. My father never has free time to watch  TV because he is the_in the family.

7. This question is the _of the three but  David still

can't answer it.

8.It is only 20 metres from Linda's home to  the school so her home is the_to the school in her class.

9.1 can move Box A and Box C,but I can't move Box B be?cause Box B is the_of the ihree.

10. Tom's pen is four yuan Linda's is ten  yuan and Jack's is seven yuan so Linda's pen is the_.

11. Neilher David nor Mike can move the  stone but Tom can because Tom is the_of the three boys.

12.1 can move ihis hox hut I can't move  that one because

this box is_ than that one.

13.Park Street is  4 800 metres long Green  Street is 4 200

metres long and Station Street is  3 900 metres long so

Station Street is the_of the  three.

14 1 can answer Question A and Question B  but I can't an?swer Question C because Question C is the_of the


15.My computer is 3 ,500 yuan Alice's is 4 000 yuan and Brian's is 3 ,800 yuan so my computer is the_.

1 fastest 2. weak 3. best 4. more interesting 5. most com?fortable 6.busiest  7.easiest 8.closest 9.heaviest 10.most ex?pensive 11.strongest 12.lighter  13.shortest 14.most difficult ...