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If you check the reading materials in the high-school-entrance-examination recent years, it's not hard to find a distinguish feature,that is:the language in it is native and fluent, the language structure is complicated with large amount of compound sentences,elliptical sentences and inverted sentences. The language expression is mutative with many crytic informations. If the student is lack of profound grammar basic ability, it's hard to realize rapidly the passages' meaning and answer the questions accurately, even if he can understand the outface of the passages. Although the grammar knowledge has already learned systematically in the Middle school, collage mainly focuses on the flexible usage of grammar. But a few of students have an illusive understanding towards the basic concepts of grammar, and unable to analyze correctly the grammar connections between different sentences in reading when they are facing the long and complex sentences, thus a misunderstanding in the passage is occurred.

我的英语口语怎么就不如他?我们刚刚考了口语,刚考完,我非常有信心,觉得这次一个组里,一定是我分最高  2020-05-13 …

三、用“续”组成不同词语填入下列句子中。1.我这次虽然在我校考了第一名,但是还要()努力,争取在全  2020-06-13 …

考研数学二你考了几分?也顺便说说经验哈.我是学化学的,考研的时候,我个人的选择可以是考物理化学加数  2020-06-18 …

王菲期末考试语文考了88分,英语考了79分,自然考了76分,历史考了69分.已知数学分数比五科分数  2020-06-20 …

某同学因一次考试失利被同学议论了几句,回到家后,又被父母委婉地说了几句,他就关上门不吃不喝,准备绝  2020-07-24 …

1、月考中,小胖数学考87分,小亚考了95分,小巧的分数比三人均分高了4分,小巧考了几分?2、大院  2020-07-30 …

我家有个小锅盖刚安上还有50多个台可现在剩下16个了这是咋回事锅盖被碰了几下有关系吗考虑考虑可口可乐  2020-11-03 …

我刚参加了2013年高考英语口语测试,有三个题型:朗读短文,情景对话,口头作文.我前两个题型答得还行  2020-11-04 …

有位同学因一次考试没有考好被老师点评了几句,回到家后父母委婉地说了她几句,她就受不了了,关上门不吃不  2020-11-04 …

明天期末考试写了篇作文少了几句话让大家来出出主意就是我从此以后努力学习先编了一句后面要两句形成排比从  2020-11-17 …