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我不太理解这句话的存在形式 是省略句吗?还是什么.
【The standard response goes,this cannot be.标准的回答,这是不可能的.】
standard response goes,go,就是说的意思.
The satnadard repsonse says that shis cannt be true.
Many people say that the second option is more likely.(Yet,the standard response goes,this cannot be.)The rules of probability tell us the probability that both A and B are true cannot exceed the probability that either A or B is true.It is less likely that someone is a female Jamaican Olympic gold medalist than that a person is female,or that a person is Jamaican,or that a person is a gold medalist.Yet even people trained in probability make a mistake with the Linda problem.�0�2 Or is it a mistake?Little introspection is required to understand what is going on.Respondents do not interpret the question as one about probability.They think it is a question about believability.

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