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几道英语问题写英语作文的时候有些地方不太确定,帮忙看看吧( ̄▽ ̄)①.promote作“提升”来讲的时候,可以修饰哪些词呢?可不可以说promotetheirconfidence?②.proandcon是怎么用的?指人(正反双

写英语作文的时候有些地方不太确定,帮忙看看吧( ̄▽ ̄)
①.promote作“提升”来讲的时候,可以修饰哪些词呢?可不可以说promote their confidence?
②.pro and con是怎么用的?指人(正反双方)还是指物(优缺点)还是指人对物的看法(赞成和反对)?它什么时候用复数(pros and cons)?
③.on the one hand,on the other...后面跟的两个句子是什么关系(并列还是什么的)?写某事物的优缺点可以用这个结构吗?
④.对某事灰心是lose heart in sth.还有,有没有lose heart to do sth.
⑤.“使某人处于某种境地”有没有put sb.in a (加个形容词) situation这样的说法?还有,其中是用in还是用into呢?如果把situation换成position呢?
⑥.看看这句话对不对:While doing homework,students can use calculators when they meet with a few really difficult figures so that they could finish their work faster,thus spend the rest of the time doing other meaningful things,such as developing their own hobbies.我主要是想问这个thus可不可以这样用?(我是把它看成接着前面那个could了,有点省略句的味道吧.)
⑦.看看这句话对不对:From my point of view,it is not necessary for us students to use calculators in tests,for the figures in our tests are not so difficult as beyond our ability to work out..not so difficult as beyond our ability .这部分有没有什么语法错误?
⑧.an introduction of...还是to...
⑩.是the start of the day还是the start to the day呢?
①.promote作“提升”来讲的时候,指的是 提升职位 后面跟复合宾语 promote sb 加职位
可以说promote their confidence不过意思是 增进
②.pro and con当名词用时 经常用复数 正面 和方面 赞成和反对the pros and cons
③.on the one hand,on the other...后面跟的两个句子是并列 或对比
④.对某事灰心是lose heart in sth.介词用in,有lose one's heart to sth.不过意思 与前面的相反 倾心于某事
⑤.“使某人处于某种境地有put sb.in a (加个形容词) situation这样的说法 还有,是用in
如果把situation换成position 也是用in 其实这是介词 的用法
⑥.这句话对:While doing homework,students can use calculators when they meet with a few really difficult figures so that they could finish their work faster,and thus spend the rest of the time doing other meaningful things,such as developing their own hobbies.
thus是副词可以这样用 前面最好加and 后面是并列谓语 .
⑦.From my point of view,it is not necessary for us students to use calculators in tests,for the figures in our tests are not so difficult as beyond our ability to work out..not so difficult as beyond our ability .这部分 把 so difficult as去掉
⑧.an introduction of...还是to...根据意思 选用 这属于 介词 用法
如an introduction to english grammar 英语语法初步