早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Comparison between Chinese and Western culture of diet(不是food,food仅指食物,不包括烹饪等)
China has its age-old culture of diet.In so many years it descended from generation to generation without extinction.It is composed with many genres,and each area has its own specific culture of diet.Western diet has its specific culture of diet as well,such as dishware,theory.It is shakingly different from China's(不是Chinese).However,nowadays with the widely communication and amalgamation between different countries,the culture of diet has slowly changed.The cultures of different places begin to communicate with each other,and numerous new kinds of food have been created.
China has its age-old culture of diet.In so many years it descended from generation to generation without extinction.It is composed with many genres,and each area has its own specific culture of diet.Western diet has its specific culture of diet as well,such as dishware,theory.It is shakingly different from China's(不是Chinese).However,nowadays with the widely communication and amalgamation between different countries,the culture of diet has slowly changed.The cultures of different places begin to communicate with each other,and numerous new kinds of food have been created.
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