早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
新目标八年级下英语:Unit8 Reading 3b的小作文怎么写?
Have you ever tried improving your English using ang of the ways mentioned in the reading?What other ways can you think of to improve your English?
Have you ever tried improving your English using ang of the ways mentioned in the reading?What other ways can you think of to improve your English?
Many students have always tried improving their English ,beacuse it's very important to us,but we always have a difficult time with it,so I have some ways to improve our English,
1,practicing speaking English as often as possible.
2,listening some English sons can make us more interested in English and learn more new words
3,Talk with each other students in English as possible as we can
If we do it like these,we can improve our English
1,practicing speaking English as often as possible.
2,listening some English sons can make us more interested in English and learn more new words
3,Talk with each other students in English as possible as we can
If we do it like these,we can improve our English
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