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I saw a touching movie this morning.The film's name is "father and son".The father is useless.But the son is very clever.The movie showed the complex relationship between father and son.The movie made me lost in thought.I didn't know the relationship between father and son wuold be so complicated
until i saw the movie today.The family misforturn will destroy a person's life.The film won many awards.
I saw a touching movie this morning.The film's name is "Father and Son".The father is useless while the son is very clever.The movie shows a complex relationship between father and son.The movie made ...

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《天津条约》签订以后,咸丰皇帝表示:“因思驻京一节,为患最巨,断难允行。至进京换约,如能尽力阻止,  2020-06-16 …

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请对我这篇英文进行语法改正,还有完善!Isawatouchingmoviethismorning.T  2020-11-27 …

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写在日记本上的我的为什么.“我一直对这个社会行善,但这个社会却一直对我作恶.虽然一切是有上天注定,但  2020-12-30 …

阅读1854~1856年间《英国进出口贸易三种商品份额图》.英国出现这一现象的因素有()①1832年  2020-12-31 …

推进公民道德工程建设,弘扬真善美、贬斥假丑恶,这是推进文化强国建设的一个重要工程。下列做法能体现这一  2021-01-01 …

下列说法正确的是()A.那英善唱女低音,刘欢善唱男高音.这里的“高、低”是声音的音调B.儿歌“月光光  2021-01-18 …