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  In 1992, former United Nations Secretary-General of the United Nations Day, Mr Ghali for the
  first time used a "global" one, now that globalization has penetrated all aspects of society.
  However, globalization can be fully realized in the cultural field, as it did in the economic field
  the same?
  Cultural globalization refers to is the world's outstanding cultural co-existence of different and
  overall harmony. Today, Westerners began to use chopsticks, Asians willing to accept the
  hamburger, no doubt, in some ways, we have in the cultural wave of globalization. Economic
  globalization can promote the spread of culture, which is why China's tea culture spread to the
  West, the coffee culture was introduced into China, and why different parts of the world
  people are talking about Hollywood and Grammy.
  However, in more areas, cultural conflicts still exist. For example, in religious matters, it is
  difficult to reach a consensus, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, the Holy City of Jerusalem is still
  competing. In most cases, culture reflects the people's habits of mind, the habit of thinking is
  based on the inherent customs and traditions, it is difficult to change, which is why some
  people have said that Westerners pay more attention when looking at things overall, Asians
  more emphasis on a certain part of them. Some argue that English has become the universal
  language, culture, globalization, soon realized. However, a very common phenomenon is that
  we sometimes do not understand American jokes, in part because there are a lot of English
  slang, like the Chinese idiom, they are so difficult for us to understand each other, if the l
  anguage has barriers, cultural globalization, how it possible? Moreover, the joke also contains
  something related with the traditional, which makes understanding becomes even more
  difficult. And globalization exist, there are many nationalists exist, so, maybe not today, not
  only in cultural globalization to achieve in the future will not be achieved, we will always be in
  the process of globalization in culture.
  Since the culture of globalization fail to realize that the process of cultural globalization can
  bring us to? I think, is the competition among a variety of outstanding cultural, precisely
  because we are afraid of their own native culture in the globalization process is engulfed, so
  e try harder to show the world the essence of their culture, for example, that many Western p
  eople began to study the Art of War. This competition has created to people the opportunity t
  o enhance mutual understanding, if not the full integration of cultures, but to a certain extent,
  help to eliminate bias. On the other hand, the process of cultural globalization has brought some benefits are obvious, at least, under the influence of the English gentleman, the
  Chinese attitude towards women has been greatly improved.
  Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified want to burn the book to the practice of thinking is not
  successful, the complexity of different cultures and diversity of cultural globalization also
  makes it more difficult to achieve, in the process of cultural globalization, the more we can do
  is in-depth understanding of local culture and learning other cultures.