早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Charlene feels that the lies she tells are peccadilloes rather than...
2.Omar’s impeccable manners make anyone who dines with him feel...
3.The priest urged any peccant churchgoers to...
4.People who saw it used pejorative language when describing the film because...
5.Daniel’s ability to take the test was impaired by...
6.In an attempt to malign Sally,the attorney who was questioning her said...
7.My mother accused my brother and me of malingering when we...
8.The general malaise felt by the workers on the strawberry farm was probably the result of...
9.Because the chief of the construction crew was negligent when it came to safety standards...
10.When Jackie saw that the storm damage done to her house was negligible,she...
11.Patty hoped that the hours she spent helping out at the soup kitchen would not be negated by...
12.When Iggy begins listing some of Meredith’s peccadilloes,Meredith will probably feel…
13.If Horatio is negligent in his gardening duties,the flowers may…
14.If Tamara wants to get out from under her malaise,she should try to…
1.Charlene feels that the lies she tells are peccadilloes rather than...
2.Omar’s impeccable manners make anyone who dines with him feel...
3.The priest urged any peccant churchgoers to...
4.People who saw it used pejorative language when describing the film because...
5.Daniel’s ability to take the test was impaired by...
6.In an attempt to malign Sally,the attorney who was questioning her said...
7.My mother accused my brother and me of malingering when we...
8.The general malaise felt by the workers on the strawberry farm was probably the result of...
9.Because the chief of the construction crew was negligent when it came to safety standards...
10.When Jackie saw that the storm damage done to her house was negligible,she...
11.Patty hoped that the hours she spent helping out at the soup kitchen would not be negated by...
12.When Iggy begins listing some of Meredith’s peccadilloes,Meredith will probably feel…
13.If Horatio is negligent in his gardening duties,the flowers may…
14.If Tamara wants to get out from under her malaise,she should try to…
1.rather than blunder(大错误)
2.feel incredible (不可思议的)
3 to thoroughly reform themselves(洗心革面)
4 because it‘s bad for a certainy
5 by the pressure of his famlily
2.feel incredible (不可思议的)
3 to thoroughly reform themselves(洗心革面)
4 because it‘s bad for a certainy
5 by the pressure of his famlily
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