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我们现在做这个枕芯pillow inner会在8月25日完成,但是在制作枕套pillow cover过程中发现需要一个长的拉链,但我们手上没有现成的拉链zipper,要去打样make sample,拉链完成要在8月31日,成品finished goods大概完成的时间是在9月2日,Please confirm whether it is ok.
The pillow inner we are making will be finished in 25th,August.But in the process of making pillow cover,we found that a long zipper is needed.Unfortunately,we don't have a zipper on hand.So we have to make sample and the zipper will be finished on 31st,August.All above,the finished goods may be ready on 2nd,Semptember.
Please confirm whether it is ok.
Hi,I am Caurrie.Glad to help u to solute this question.