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your compangy mint phone designs andsells mobile phones in China .You have a contract with Nguyen Electronics in Vietnam that builds the mobile phones for ur company.Nguyen Electonics is the least expensive manufacturer,all other manufacturers cost more money.you have just become aware that the plant where Nguyen Electonics builds your mobile phones is very dagerous.The compangy uses chemicals that are hazardous and dagerous .the employees that assemble the mobile phoines are not provided proper equipment,training and protection in dealing with the chemicals.The chemicals signigucantly increase the risks of death and severe health issues for workers.Thereare no laws in Vienam regulation how these chemicals should be used.以上是Scenario 问题是nalyze the situation.1identify the problem 2list all possible actions .3consider all consequences of actions.第二个问题.described what action you would take and why 第三个问题detail how u would avoid this situation in the future .

明清时期,商业已很发达,商人资本雄厚,形成商帮。在这些商帮中,势力最为强大的是A.苏商和浙商B.晋  2020-05-14 …

依次填入下面横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①近代欧美轮船侵入我国,,宁波商帮迅速停止了传统的沙船  2020-06-19 …

依次填入下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是()①近代欧美轮船侵入我国,宁波商帮迅速停止了传统的沙  2020-06-19 …

明代,在京城、省城和大商埠出现了会馆,它与按地域结成的商帮有关。在这些商帮中,势力最为强大的是[]  2020-07-01 …

依次填人下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是()①近代欧美轮船侵入我国,宁波商帮迅速停止了传统的沙  2020-07-24 …

中国十大商帮总结,帮帮小弟,给每个商帮做个总结(一)、晋商"学而优则贾"的晋商帮(二)、徽商"富商  2020-07-28 …

下表是明清主要商帮情况一览表,据此分析导致明清商帮衰落的主要因素包括()商帮主营商品形成时期鼎盛时期  2020-11-30 …

从古至今,浙江商人都是中国经济发展的重要推动力量。浙商有温州商帮,台州商帮,义乌商帮等著名浙商群体,  2020-12-09 …

明清时期,江南地区某些行业部门出现了资本主义的萌芽,其突出特点是()A.出现了计日受值的雇佣关系B.  2020-12-14 …

下列各句中,加点成语使用正确的一项是()①近代欧美船运公司侵入我国,一叶知秋,波商帮迅速停止了传统的  2020-12-15 …