早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我很急着要用 不管是机译还是自己翻都行 本人忙用
shoes can produce electricity
We all know that walking is good for our health.But do you know walking can also produce electricity?A Japanese company says it has found a way to power the iPod music players just by walking.
The company is developing shoes that can produce electricity as people are walking.The shoes have a small generator and water-filled soles.When people are walking,the steps make the water move fast.Then the small generator changes the power into electric power.Now the shoes can produce enough electricity to run an iPod music player as long as the wearer keeps walking.
我很急着要用 不管是机译还是自己翻都行 本人忙用
shoes can produce electricity
We all know that walking is good for our health.But do you know walking can also produce electricity?A Japanese company says it has found a way to power the iPod music players just by walking.
The company is developing shoes that can produce electricity as people are walking.The shoes have a small generator and water-filled soles.When people are walking,the steps make the water move fast.Then the small generator changes the power into electric power.Now the shoes can produce enough electricity to run an iPod music player as long as the wearer keeps walking.
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