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英文短语造句用as quiet as ,as good as ,as modest as ,as innocent as ,as rich as ,as...as ,It was...that ,so...that这六个造句,每个造2句,麻烦英文好的亲帮一下忙,急需啊~我没有多少分啊~
1. On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse. 他在星期天晚上安静得像只耗子。 2. The downstairs rooms are not as quiet as the upstairs ones. 楼下房间没有楼上房间安静。3. It looks as good as new. 看上去和新的无异。 4. A is as good as B. A和B和一样好。 1. as innocent as a new-born babe 像没出世或刚诞生的婴孩那样单纯; 非常天真无邪;完全清白无辜 2. To see her is a Picture -- To hear her is a Tune -- To know her an Intemperance As innocent as June -- To know her not -- Affliction -- To own her for a Friend A warmth as near as if the Sun Were shining in your Hand. 看她是一幅图画—听她是一曲乐音—懂她是一种放纵就象六月一样天真—不懂她是—折磨—拥有她作一位友人一种温暖就象一颗在你手中发光的太阳那么近。 2. He is as rich as a Jew. 他是个大财主。 3. I wish I were as rich as Bill Gates. 我希望我象比尔·盖茨一样富有。 51. Our classroom has as many window as theirs. 我们的教室和他们的教室有同样多的窗户。 52. You may as well tell me as the truth. 你把事实告诉我为好。 2. It was that hot! 真是太热了! 3. It was that kept us . 是合作使我们活了下来。 3. All right, so that's that. 好吧! 这事儿就这样了啦。 4. So that was it! 原来如此!