早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Using population-weighted distributions of per capita income (from national accounts) is a step in the right direction, but it is not sufficient to provide accurate estimates of concepts like poverty rates or indexes of income inequality. These measures still miss within-country dispersion, a factor that needs to be included if sensible estimates of the WDI are to be constructed.
By using population weights, researchers recognize that different countries have different population sizes, but this alone is insufficient because it still implicitly assumes that all citizens of a country have the same level of income. This can yield misleading results. If the per capita income in a country were a couple of dollars above the poverty line, for example, researchers would conclude that no poor citizens lived in that country. Similarly, they would tend to find dramatic declines in poverty rates as the income per capita of very populated countries grew from a few dollars below to a few dollars above the poverty line. Additionally, in terms of inequality, population-weighted indexes of inequality could show a decline in overall global inequality, while the true individual inequalities could be rising if within-country inequalities increased sufficiently.
Using population-weighted distributions of per capita income (from national accounts) is a step in the right direction, but it is not sufficient to provide accurate estimates of concepts like poverty rates or indexes of income inequality. These measures still miss within-country dispersion, a factor that needs to be included if sensible estimates of the WDI are to be constructed.
By using population weights, researchers recognize that different countries have different population sizes, but this alone is insufficient because it still implicitly assumes that all citizens of a country have the same level of income. This can yield misleading results. If the per capita income in a country were a couple of dollars above the poverty line, for example, researchers would conclude that no poor citizens lived in that country. Similarly, they would tend to find dramatic declines in poverty rates as the income per capita of very populated countries grew from a few dollars below to a few dollars above the poverty line. Additionally, in terms of inequality, population-weighted indexes of inequality could show a decline in overall global inequality, while the true individual inequalities could be rising if within-country inequalities increased sufficiently.
采用人口加权分布人均收入(国民帐户) ,是迈向正确方向的一步,但它不足以提供准确的概念一样,贫困率指标或收入不平等的.这些措施仍然怀念内国分散,这个因素需要包括明智,如果估计的大世界都将兴建.用人口比重,科学...
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