早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
I'm awake,you're still sleeping
The sun will rise like yesterday
Everything that we are now
Is everything we can't let go
Or its gone forever,far away
I hope tomorrow is like today
Don't you go away tomorrow
I don't think I could handle that
You're probably dreaming that you're flying on
Then you start to fall
But then you rise
and shine forever
Don't go away
I hope tomorrow is like today
I'm awake,you're still sleeping
The sun will rise like yesterday
Everything that we are now
Is everything we can't let go
Or its gone forever,far away
I hope tomorrow is like today
Don't you go away tomorrow
I don't think I could handle that
You're probably dreaming that you're flying on
Then you start to fall
But then you rise
and shine forever
Don't go away
I hope tomorrow is like today
I'm awake,you're still sleeping我醒了,你依旧沉睡
The sun will rise like yesterday太阳将如昨日一样升起
Everything that we are now我们今天取得的一切
Is everything we can't let go是我们不能放弃的
Or its gone forever,far away否则它将永远消失,消失在很远的远方
I hope tomorrow is like today我希望明天能跟今天一样
Don't you go away tomorrow你明天不是要远走吗
I don't think I could handle that我想我无法面对那一刻
You're probably dreaming that you're flying on你肯定在梦想你不停地飞翔
Then you start to fall然后你开始沉落
But then you rise但是接着你再次上升
and shine forever然后永远闪耀
Don't go away不要离开
I hope tomorrow is like today我希望明天跟今天一样
The sun will rise like yesterday太阳将如昨日一样升起
Everything that we are now我们今天取得的一切
Is everything we can't let go是我们不能放弃的
Or its gone forever,far away否则它将永远消失,消失在很远的远方
I hope tomorrow is like today我希望明天能跟今天一样
Don't you go away tomorrow你明天不是要远走吗
I don't think I could handle that我想我无法面对那一刻
You're probably dreaming that you're flying on你肯定在梦想你不停地飞翔
Then you start to fall然后你开始沉落
But then you rise但是接着你再次上升
and shine forever然后永远闪耀
Don't go away不要离开
I hope tomorrow is like today我希望明天跟今天一样
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