早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Malpractice regulations promulgated by the State Council in 2002, compared with 1987 approach to provision of medical accident, there has been a great improvement, but at the same time also resulted in cases of medical disputes in China "duality".Along with the rapid development of economy and society, volume and complexity of medical dispute cases also raised.In response to this new situation, come into effect on July 1, 2010 the tort law in the seventh chapter of provisions in a whole chapter devoted more measures for the disposal of medical dispute liability for damage, completely abandon the previous disputes on medical malpractice and medical mistakes adopting different standards of compensation practices, unified medical judgment of liability and compensation.
However, since the tort law is a relatively new law, even after teh effective, which are presented for trial should be based on the tort liability Act is not in accordance with the law of the case for trial, Court, experts and scholars from all over on some difference understanding and application of the provisions of the seventh chapter .While there is some legislation of the Act on the ambiguities, which need to be comfirmed and disscussed in next step.
This article from the tort liability Act and properly solve the intended departure of the contravention between doctor and patient, using comparison, classification, deductive and inductive logic, combined with knowledge of civil substantive and procedural law, on the content of medical damage compensation system under the new Act, characteristics, application, dispute analysis and commentary.
To be adopted after the entry into force of the law analysis and comparison of two different cases, proposed on liability for damage of liability for damage of medical technology and medical ethics trial application of the two main types of cases;By exporting the main point of dispute in the process of law and lack of attempts to make recommendations for improving the tort liability Act.
However, since the tort law is a relatively new law, even after teh effective, which are presented for trial should be based on the tort liability Act is not in accordance with the law of the case for trial, Court, experts and scholars from all over on some difference understanding and application of the provisions of the seventh chapter .While there is some legislation of the Act on the ambiguities, which need to be comfirmed and disscussed in next step.
This article from the tort liability Act and properly solve the intended departure of the contravention between doctor and patient, using comparison, classification, deductive and inductive logic, combined with knowledge of civil substantive and procedural law, on the content of medical damage compensation system under the new Act, characteristics, application, dispute analysis and commentary.
To be adopted after the entry into force of the law analysis and comparison of two different cases, proposed on liability for damage of liability for damage of medical technology and medical ethics trial application of the two main types of cases;By exporting the main point of dispute in the process of law and lack of attempts to make recommendations for improving the tort liability Act.
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