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We confirm that we are aware of the requirements of the above Regulations affecting the supply of products into the European Community and will fully comply with their provisions and maintain all necessary information to ensure that you are able to satisfy yourself and your government authorities that Products supplied by us to you meet the requirements of the Regulations.
1. That in relation to the above products we have obtained details of all chemicals present in the products and will maintain a record of the same by reference to the chemicals used and their quantity in each product;
2. That the Products are not products from which any chemical will or could be released during use;
3. That no chemical contained within the Product is a chemical listed as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) under the Regulations. We are aware that this list under the Regulations is not fixed and may be amended from time to time and understand that it is our responsibility to review the information on chemicals present in Products regularly against this list to ensure that Products supplied continue not to contain any SVHCs.
We appreciate that our failure to comply with the above undertakings will have serious commercial and financial consequences upon you and in this regard will fully indemnify you in the event that we fail to comply with our obligations set out above. We agree that at any time without notice you may require sight of the Chemical Data Sheets which we maintain in respect of the above Product or any other product that we may supply to you