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Is it polite to point with chopsticks at people in China?
A:I want to know whether/if it is polite to point with chopsticks at people in China.
B:I don't think that is it polite to point with chopsticks at people in China
1.Is it impolite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries?
2.Can people eat with their left hands in Islam?
3.Will people leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries?
4.Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers?
5.Does a formal western dinner always start with a small dish?
1.Is it impolite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries?A.I want to know whether/if it is impolite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries.B.I don't think that it is impolite to...

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