早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Happy New Year!
Do you have any news about the order for 16 styles of wool fabrics which were quoted in last December?If you have the order qty,please kindly place PO ASAP.You might have been aware that after the CNY holiday,the Chinese market price of cotton yard is going up unexpectedly.The later the order you place,the higher the price of the cotton has to be paid.We have to also adjust our quotation according to the cotton price.Your understanding is much appreciated and we look forward to your order.Thank you.
Do you have any news about the order for 16 styles of wool fabrics which were quoted in last December?If you have the order qty,please kindly place PO ASAP.You might have been aware that after the CNY holiday,the Chinese market price of cotton yard is going up unexpectedly.The later the order you place,the higher the price of the cotton has to be paid.We have to also adjust our quotation according to the cotton price.Your understanding is much appreciated and we look forward to your order.Thank you.
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关于英语单词上的困惑.为什么我看见记过的单词我知道意思,但写作和对话时就是拼不出来,甚至根本想不起 2020-06-05 …
为什么我背住的单词在作文和口语都用不出来我单词都记牢了,可是平时写作,口语都把平时记的单词都派不上 2020-06-22 …
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我是浙江的,应该是人教版的吧.12单元作文.总共12篇,多点也不要紧.没有12篇的话一篇篇来吧!就 2020-07-23 …