早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The beautiful things people feel comfortable,give your senses and soul of a pleasure.
Now,with the development of society,people's understanding of the word beauty is not alone on the beautiful appearance.More meaning the composition of demand for a higher starting point.
Beautiful is always the main topic of mankind.We all hope that the beautiful,we need beautiful.Beautiful things will receive recognition and appreciation.
Fashion is a certain period,a particular place,was accepted by the public things.
Fashion is taking the lead in a specific time period by a small number of people experiment,and later advocating for the community and follow the example.In simple terms,fashion is "time" and "respect" the sum.This fashion involved in all aspects of life,such as clothing dress,diet,behavior,living,or even emotional expression and ways of thinking,and so on.Fashion can be popular,but the scope is very limited,if widely popular,there are fashion sense?» The pursuit of fashion is an "art." Imitation,sheep only "initial stage" and the high level it should be from Yiboyibo examine the trend of fashion,it extracted the essence and the true meaning,to enrich their aesthetic tastes and to create the Their beauty is a "template." The pursuit of fashion is not a passive follow,but in the sense of mastery and proficiency.
Their hearts have a right understanding of the contours of fashion,as long as the profile,too real and too limiting.Use their own ideas and practices to be modified,can be a fashion,but also their own fashion!
Now,with the development of society,people's understanding of the word beauty is not alone on the beautiful appearance.More meaning the composition of demand for a higher starting point.
Beautiful is always the main topic of mankind.We all hope that the beautiful,we need beautiful.Beautiful things will receive recognition and appreciation.
Fashion is a certain period,a particular place,was accepted by the public things.
Fashion is taking the lead in a specific time period by a small number of people experiment,and later advocating for the community and follow the example.In simple terms,fashion is "time" and "respect" the sum.This fashion involved in all aspects of life,such as clothing dress,diet,behavior,living,or even emotional expression and ways of thinking,and so on.Fashion can be popular,but the scope is very limited,if widely popular,there are fashion sense?» The pursuit of fashion is an "art." Imitation,sheep only "initial stage" and the high level it should be from Yiboyibo examine the trend of fashion,it extracted the essence and the true meaning,to enrich their aesthetic tastes and to create the Their beauty is a "template." The pursuit of fashion is not a passive follow,but in the sense of mastery and proficiency.
Their hearts have a right understanding of the contours of fashion,as long as the profile,too real and too limiting.Use their own ideas and practices to be modified,can be a fashion,but also their own fashion!
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