早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1,this is the school.i studied in this school five years ago.
2,in this school there are about 30 foreign students.the foreign students have come to study chinese.
3,these students like the school very much.their parents have come to china for business
4,the teaching building looks nice.the building was put up last year
5,the man is the headmaster.the man is standing in front of the school library
6,next to him stands a girl.the girl's name is tina
7,tina is a student.she won a prize in the writing competition
8,tina likes reading novels.the novels were written by Charles Dickens
9,tina is the host of the school's radio club.the ciub was started two years ago
10,students like the school news .the radio club broadcasts school news
1.this is the school where i studied five years ago.2.in this school there are about 30 foreign students who have come to study chinese.3,these students whose parents have come to china for businessli...

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