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摘 要
随着出版业国际化进程的加剧,我国信息化进程不断推进,信息技术向各个领域不断延伸,数字出版飞速发展,被称为“出版史上的第三次革命”.虽然以纸质媒介为代表的传统图书仍在出版业中占据主导地位,但随着计算机网络的进一步发展人们的阅读习惯逐渐改变,网络阅读被越来越多的人所接受,特别是伴随着互联网发展而成长起来的新一代阅读群,他们的视野被多媒体网络的丰富表现形式、方便的获取方式所吸引,分流了大量原本属于纸介质图书市场的潜在购买力.鉴于对于国家政策的认识和现实状况的需求,我国的许多出版集团已经把开展数字化出版作为一项关系到其生存与发展的战略任务来看待.数字技术的发明和应用彻底颠覆了出版业的传统,复制、储存和传播在看不见的 0、1 代码中完成,更快、更多、更方便,数字技术对出版业的影响远远超出我们的认知和想象.数字出版技术变革、数字出版商业模式等成为传统出版业界关注的重要问题.商业模式的核心是赢利,数字出版如何赢利,同样是技术供应商、互联网服务提供商和消费者关注的焦点.关于数字出版赢利模式的探讨与建构,成为学术界和出版实业界共同关心的核心问题之一.
关 键 词:数字出版 内容销售 第三方付费 服务销售 混合赢利模式
Key words:Digital publishing Content-sale fee paid by the-third –party
Service-sale Multi-profit model
Along with increasing internationalization process of the publishing industry and informationization in China is advanced unceasingly,the information technology extends to various fields.The rapid development of digital publishing is known as "the third revolution in publishing history." Although paper books,which represent the traditional paper-based media,still occupied the dominant position in publishing industry,online reading is enjoying its increasing popularity among people especially in a mound of readers whose attention is often attracted by the multicultural forms and various convenient ways of obtain of multimedia network system because the further development of computer networks gradually changed people's reading habits.This has cut down the share of potential purchasing power in original the paper medium market massively.Considering national policy and the demands,many publication groups in our country have already regarded the development digitization publication as strategic mission related to its survival and the development.The invention and application of digital technology revolutionized the traditional publishing industry,and the function of copy,store and disseminate in digitization publication are completed invisible 0,1 code,which make it more faster and much convenient.Unexpectedly,digital technology has great influence on the publishing industry.The reformation in digital publishing technology,as well as the business patterns of digital publishing,has become important issues the traditional publishing industry.As we all know,the preliminary propose of business model is profitable.How to make digital publishing profitable has become the focal issue for technology provider,Internet service providers and consumer.And how to structure the profit pattern of digital publishing are looked as an important issue on academia and field of publishing.