早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语作文下周六 小区将组织一次向老人院里的老人服务活动,大家纷纷报名参加.根据提示词写70字介绍活动
提示词 organize serve gather chat clean dance sing
提示词 organize serve gather chat clean dance sing
您的回答会被数十乃至数万的网友学习和参考,所以请一定对自己的回答负责,尽可能保障您的回答准确、详细和有效Chongyang,the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly,is coming around.We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the special day,and we would like to invite students from your school to join us.
We have planned several activities.When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenting them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love.Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses.
As some old people feel lonely,we may chat with them about their old days,changes of our city,or anything they are interested in.We may also give them some performances:singing,dancing,and so on.
I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China.If you have any suggestions,please let us know.
Looking forward to your early reply.
We have planned several activities.When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenting them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love.Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses.
As some old people feel lonely,we may chat with them about their old days,changes of our city,or anything they are interested in.We may also give them some performances:singing,dancing,and so on.
I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China.If you have any suggestions,please let us know.
Looking forward to your early reply.
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