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In fact, I do not love to eat some British food to eat up too much cheese is too greasy. . . . . British food do not feel are less troublesome characteristics. . . .
Britain's food in the political arena along does not seem a good reputation, many Britons not only to maintain its reputation, but also use it as love object of ridicule. In fact, the traditional British cuisine is not as bad as rumors said.
British food is like English, is a hodgepodge of widely around the world to absorb the impact of different cultures. For example If you want to tell what is authentic authentic British cuisine, the British will immediately move out like soft fish and fries, roast beef, about such dishes, but really have to down a few words will be very stammer a bit.
60s in the last century, the market sold the most expensive to the number of chicken meat, while beef, mutton is cheap, the chance to eat more naturally; but now the contrary, it is necessary to eat a good chunk of beef often take an overhead, but cheaper than chicken, which is why we eat chicken on a general reform.
British common problem is too a big sweet tooth, and perhaps more fat people here owes something to. The British love to eat ice cream and other frozen dessert, but also like the traditional sweet dessert and pie, and usually many cream or custard sauce to eat one.
yes ,my friend,if you still have problems or something needed to be answer,just tell me,ok!

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