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一、元旦( New Year's Day,1月1日) 我们通常说得"阳历年"就是元旦,它源于西方国家,现在已成为全世界的公共假日.二、 情人节( Valentine's Day,2月14日) 西方国家民间的传统节日.三、 愚人节( April Fool's Day,4月1日) 在这天我们可以与亲朋好友开个玩笑或瞎编话,欺骗、捉弄他们而不会受人指责.四、 五朔节( May Day,5月1日) 这天是以英语为母语的人举行庆祝活动的日子.五、 母亲节( Mother's Day,5月的第2个星期日) 英美人为了感谢母亲一年所付出的辛劳而规定的节日,现在以被大多数国家接受.六、 父亲节( Father's Day,6月的第3个星期日) 英美人为表达对父亲的爱而设立了"父亲节",子女们将在那天为父亲买他最喜爱的礼品,并举行宴会.七、 独立纪念日( Independence Day,7月4日) 这个节日是美国独有的.八、 万圣节(Ha11owmas,11月1日) 这是西方国家古老的传统节日.九、 感恩节( Thanksgiving Day,11月第4个星期四) 为了感谢上帝的恩赐,美国人自发形成了这个传统节日.十、 复活节(Easter,春分月圆后的第1个星期日) 这是西方基督教古老的传统节日【-介绍感恩节的英语作文】
Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America,generally observed as an expression of gratitude,usually to God.The most common view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest.In the United States,the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.In Canada,where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year,the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October,which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family.In the United States,it is an important family holiday,and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday.The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States,in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off.Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home,unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas,which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences (fireworks,caroling,etc.)