早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


11.The students have come (know,to know) the importance of learning English.
12.They seemed (be,to be) unhappy.
13.I thought him (to be,be) a great writer.
14.They happened (be,to be) in Guangzhou when I phoned him.
15.She seemed (to like,like) the picture.
16.The boys came (understand,to understand) what the rules meantfor them.
17.You are supposed (clean,to clean) the desk before you do your homework.
18.The novel proved (be,to be) interesting.
19.She is believed (have,to have) the right to do that.
20.We all believe him (tobe,be) an honestperson.

to come

to be

to be

to be

to like

to understand

to clean

to be

to have

to be