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用关系代词who,which,that将两个句子合并为一个含有定语从句的句子 1.He enjoyed the book.The book was written by Mark Twain 2.The funny story is from a book.The book is called The Advebture of Tom Sawyer 3.This is Muff Potter.He was knocked out by the doctor 4.They came to a big house.The house was used as a prison 5.The only thing is to wait for the bus.I can do it now 用简单的英语解释下句子 The children were asked to do the work properly
1、He enjoyed the book which written by Mark Twain. 2、The funny story is from a book which called The Advebture of Tom Sawyer. 3、This is Muff Potter who was knocked out by the doctor. 4、They came to a big house which was used as a prison. 5、The only thing is to wait for the bus that I can do it now. 解释句子: 孩子适当的干活是应该的.
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