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TV set in every home has not been merely among imaginary depiction in fantasy fiction, coming true nowadays as it has become even a thing that can be thrown away without pity. Therefore, number as the basic privilege, most entertainment corporations utilize it as the access to profits by broadcasting ads, movies or other programmes. As the proportion of atmitting and using people against the none-users is high, in most country, the TV can be grouped into one of the main medium concomitant with the peak of radio.
Main medium as we group it, it contains main infro. . The ken broaden by TV is undeniable. Without trudging in the igneous desert we "wow" the pyramid at home, no danger from sharks we visit coral reef with our mouth in shape of O and wearing pants and T-shirts, we have a glance of the Arctic, holding a cup of ice-cream. Broden easily, broaden fast, that‘s what TV bring to us.
Inferior things, however, are brought by TV as well. Left the violence on TV, which should be concerned by the government, unsaid but the health concerned by the every of us is undermined by long term watching TV. Albeit it is so, this is never to say that we should banish TV, as the advantages overweigh the counterpart.

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一道诡异的化学题.KUSO将一小块金属钠放入冷水中,发出“嗤嗤”的声音.产生大量气体.该气体经验证  2020-06-04 …

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诗言志。杜甫在《望岳》中抒发了“会当凌绝顶,”的壮志豪情;苏轼在《江城子·密州出猎》中发出了“持节  2020-06-20 …

诗言志。杜甫在《望岳》中抒发了“会当凌绝顶,”的壮志豪情;苏轼在《江城子·密州出猎》中发出了“持节  2020-06-20 …

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