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A:Excuse me.______1_______B:Sorry,I'm new here.You can ask my friend.He may know.C:Beijing Children's Hospital?Er…It's near Yuetan Park,but it's a little far from here.A:______2_______C:It's a about 5 kilometers away.A:______3_______C:Yes,the No.15 bus will take you righe there.A:Where is the bas stop?C:__________4___________You can see it on your left.You can't miss it.A:_______5______C:You're welcome.选择内容序号A.Go down the street and take the first turning on the righe.B.How far is it?C.Thank you very much.D.Where is beijing Children's Hospital?E.Can I take a bus to get there?我打这篇文打了好半天,千万不要辜负我啊~我急写,
A:Excuse me.______1_Where is beijing Children's Hospital?______B:Sorry,I'm new here.You can ask my friend.He may know.C:Beijing Children's Hospital?Er…It's near Yuetan Park,but it's a little far from here.A:______2__How far is it?_____C:It's a about 5 kilometers away.A:______3__Can I take a bus to get there?_____C:Yes,the No.15 bus will take you righe there.A:Where is the bas stop?C:__________4__Go down the street and take the first turning on the righe._________You can see it on your left.You can't miss it.A:_______5__Thank you very much.____C:You're welcome.

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