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(英语作文)亲爱的同学们 你们马上就要成为一名中学生了 你会学习更多的新知识 认识更多的新朋友
下面 请你畅想一下你即将开始的新的学习与生活 作文要求
:1 条理清楚 意思连贯 语句通顺 标点正确 书写规范
2 150个单词左右 网友们 急用
The school! After a summer of rest and adjustment, we ushered in a new semester.Came into the classroom, a sound"" cried very affectionate. This voice, heard the sound, looks so kind. A familiar atmosphere oncoming, I returned to the happy group!The new term begins, the class classmate transfer, ushered in a new classmate, everybody is right new classmates can be warm, almost grant whatever is requested, but may be just with a new learning environment, more or less will still some strange! So the new students may be not much, however, and many students take the initiative to help him, and he be friends. It looks as if our class classmate is very helpful!The new term begins! Textbooks, exercise collection send down, I heard my classmates as one falls sighs. Each like a cream called eggplant yes, a little bit and no spirit, but also no wonder, after all, is really a lot of thick, plus we the class was very lazy, it is not difficult to guess the heave great sighs.The new term begins! Students also have the very big change. Of course, this is not only the students have grown much taller, more is to mature than before, won't be so frivolous, and less fun. But love to talk with or no change, we chattered. It seems, though old trouble did not change, everybody was ready with a new look to meet the new semester.The new term begins! Records of life renewed. All the past has become the past, why worry? They are just the old file. At the beginning of the new term, with a new look to meet near the beginning of everything, leave no regrets, to challenge the old records. Come, let us with a brand new self to face this new things!

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