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it is common sense that parental education or careness have a biggest influence on chirdren’s mind and behavior,therefore,whether all mothers and fathers is obligated to participate child care training courses or not is a argument ,I can not totally agree with this view.
First of all,majority of parents have decent perceive or skills to educate their children.We constantly heared of the young crimer,or addicts from the single parents or divorced family,moreover,family violence maybe pose a serious threat to children ‘s life.the first thing I should mention is this action is not necessary to all parents,
What’s more.It is challenge to government expenditure if their training face to all parents.It bound to impact on the other aspects.Such as pension,infrastructure construction ,sorts of that .it is kind of opportunity cost---we make this option,likewise,we abandon other choice.Therefore,government ought to use cash from citizens more efficient ,
The last reason,there is not all parents have free time to join,we can imagine the whole national parents to go receive courses,which may occur in good-wellfare and senior developed country,and it’s impossible to the developing country even modest advanced country .
To sum up,the utterance of all parents should participate courses is not realistic,it is nothing no more than idealist ,frome the parental views:they probably do not need ,and they even have no leisure time to do .from the government views:the huge amount of expenditure is a serious problem.So my point of view is chirlden training lesson ought to help some parents who need it.

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