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霍比特人 英文小说 看过的请进.....orz
After the dragon died,where was almost a war between different people,why do you think they wanted to fight each other?How did they solve the problem?告诉我在英文小说的第几页...
What did the dwarves do in Bilbo’s home?And
what did Bilbo feel about that?同上...
After the dragon died,where was almost a war between different people,why do you think
they wanted to fight each other?How did they
solve the problem?..
After the dragon died,where was almost a war between different people,why do you think they wanted to fight each other?How did they solve the problem?告诉我在英文小说的第几页...
What did the dwarves do in Bilbo’s home?And
what did Bilbo feel about that?同上...
After the dragon died,where was almost a war between different people,why do you think
they wanted to fight each other?How did they
solve the problem?..
Because of several reasons:1.The greed of each species2.History between the species:the Arkenstone used to belong to the elves,and was stolen by dwarves; the elves did not help the dwarves when Smaug ...
小明,小亮,小英,小丽,小红进行象棋比赛,每2人之间进行一场比赛,最后看谁积分多,比赛一段时间后统 2020-05-13 …
英语翻译为了提高阅读能力,我坚持每天阅读英语小说和英语报纸.我每天用mp3听英语广播,英语听力进步 2020-06-08 …
小明期末共考了五门科目,如果英语成绩不在内,四科平均分是90.5分.如果把英语算进去五科的平均分是 2020-06-13 …
英语翻译理想中的小屋应该是一座水上花园.小屋建造在小河上面,依靠一座小桥作为进出房屋的通道,有一种 2020-08-03 …
刚买的石英表,好像不小心进入了计时模式,然后秒针就不走了,怎么办?刚买了Michele的一款石英表, 2020-11-01 …
初二英语科目已无力回天直说吧.在小学我的英语一般都是80左右(小学的英语不擅长读,但都听得懂,写得出 2020-11-30 …
翻译一小段英语作文当地动物园的主管说3只猴子从笼子里逃跑了。我们怀疑那三只猴子跑进了我们的钟楼小区。 2020-12-21 …
在复习《英国资产阶级革命》内容时,小刘和小张进行了讨论。小刘说:英国资产阶级革命爆发的标志是1640 2020-12-26 …
小英和小亮进行投球比赛,每人连投12次,投中一次记2分,投空一次机记1分小英投的18分小亮想超小莹投 2020-12-30 …
三人简短英语小对话英语课,老师规定每节课上课前要有一个小组进行一个小演讲或小对话,要求每个人必须加入 2021-02-21 …