早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Once it is out of control,more people will ------- ------- trouble.
The cars ----- ----- are all made in China.
3、You must be tired out after the climbing.
Oh,-------------------.I felt too tired to move.
A not a bit B not a little C not at all D not nearly
4、选词填空sometime ,some time ,sometimes
I want to look them up------------.
Though he is a good student,he -------makes mistakes.
These ideas have been in circulation for -------------.
5、More attention ------------------(应放在)the needs of the poor.(pay)(词数不限)
6、Can you tell me where the students of Class 2 are?
They -------------reading the book on Scientific Outlook on Development just now.
A、will find B、have found C、were found D、found
7、He made the farmers work for a long time.改成被动语态
The farmers --------- ----------- --------- -----------for a long time.
Once it is out of control,more people will (get into) trouble.
The cars (on show\display) are all made in China.
3、You must be tired out after the climbing.
Oh,(B not a little).I felt too tired to move.
4、选词填空sometime ,some time ,sometimes
I want to look them up (sometime).
Though he is a good student,he (sometimes) makes mistakes.
These ideas have been in circulation for (some time).
5、More attention (should be paid to) (应放在)the needs of the poor.
6、Can you tell me where the students of Class 2 are?
They (C、were found) reading the book on Scientific Outlook on Development just now.
7、He made the farmers work for a long time.改成被动语态
The farmers (were made to work) for a long time.

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