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One day,Mr White came home very late.He looked (f )the key to the door,but can't find it.He lost his key.He (r )the bell,nothing happened.He did it again.Nobody moved inside the room.Mr White knocked(a )the bedroom window,he spoke to his wife,he shouted,but she didn't wake up.At last he (s )and thought(f )a moment.Then he began to speak (l )a small child.He said ,"Mother,I want to go to hte toilet."He spoke quiut(q ),but at once Mrs White(w )up.Then he spoke (t )her,and she opened the door (f )him.
1 looked for
2 rang
3 at
4 stopped
5 for
6 like
7 quietly
8 woke
9 to
10 for