早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.How often do you clean the classroom?
How often _____ _____ _____ _____?
2.Everyone in his class loves music.
___ ___ ___ by everyone in his class.
3.His aunt often gives me foreign stamps .
I___ often ___ foreign stamps by his aunt.
4.The small boy eats two eggs every day.
Two eggs ___ ___ ___ the small boy every day.
5.They grow rice in the small village.
Rice ___ ___ in the small village ___ ___.
1.Do you have any ideas on how we can learn a foreign language?
Do you have any ideas on how ______ _____ a foreign language?
2.I knew it was there,but there was nothing that I could see.
I knew it was there,but I could ______ _____.
3.The water is too hot for me to drink.
The water is _____ hot _____ I can't drink it.
4.It was two years ago when I first saw the Great Wall.
It _____ two years _____ I first saw the Great Wall.
5.The new building is 400 metres high.
The new building is 400 metres _____ _____.
1.how often is the classroom cleaned?
2.music is loved
3.am given
4.are eaten by
5.are grown by them
1.to learn
2.see nothing
3.so that
4.is since
5.of height
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