早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Once (从前) a man 16 to go 17 a river in a boat.He 18 a sheep,a wolf (狼) and a basket of vegetables with him.But he could take only one of them 19 him at a time (一次) 20 the boat was too 21 .“If I 22 the wolf and the sheep together (一起),the wolf
Once (从前) a man 16 to go 17 a river in a boat.He 18 a sheep,a wolf (狼) and a basket of vegetables with him.But he could take only one of them 19 him at a time (一次) 20 the boat was too 21 .“If I 22 the wolf and the sheep together (一起),the wolf may eat the sheep,” he thought.“If I leave the sheep and the vegetables together,the sheep may eat the vegetables.” He thought and thought.At last,he had an 23 .And he could go across the rive with the sheep,the wolf and the vegetables.Do you 24 how he 25 across the river?
Once (从前) a man 16 to go 17 a river in a boat.He 18 a sheep,a wolf (狼) and a basket of vegetables with him.But he could take only one of them 19 him at a time (一次) 20 the boat was too 21 .“If I 22 the wolf and the sheep together (一起),the wolf
Once (从前) a man 16 to go 17 a river in a boat.He 18 a sheep,a wolf (狼) and a basket of vegetables with him.But he could take only one of them 19 him at a time (一次) 20 the boat was too 21 .“If I 22 the wolf and the sheep together (一起),the wolf may eat the sheep,” he thought.“If I leave the sheep and the vegetables together,the sheep may eat the vegetables.” He thought and thought.At last,he had an 23 .And he could go across the rive with the sheep,the wolf and the vegetables.Do you 24 how he 25 across the river?
天啊 你这完型填空都拿来了 这是一个经典智力故事 很简单的怎样把狼 羊 白菜 都能带过河 一共需要渡河几次的问题
回来把白菜运过去 回来时把羊运回来
回来把白菜运过去 回来时把羊运回来
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