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A simple story,a great movie The movie Dances with Wolves is an extremely well written story about a veteran of the civil war who is trying to get on with his life.During the story Lieutenant Dunbar is trying to get past all of the savage actions that he was forced to proceed with during the most terrible war America has ever witnessed.He is shipped out to an abandoned post on the frontier where he is supposed to be fighting the Indians but instead he decides to make friends with them.He decides to be friends with them because he is tired of fighting.In the end he becomes one of the tribe and has a nice wife who was also adopted by the tribe.In the end all he wanted is to live freely and peacefully.This is one of the best written books that I have read in a long time,it keeps the readers interest which can be a very hard task at times.The director depicts Dunbar as a strong human character,who despite his surrounding circumstances,has lived productively and organized his week-days.Later he becomes friends with an Indian tribe and soon he finds his love.My favorite part of the movie is the development of the main character,because the audience are gradually introduced to a dynamic,handsome individual with a strong soul.When I watch the movie I learned about the life and traditions of Native Americans.The movie illustrates how important it is to change one's identity in order to survive in a different culture.The overall tone of the story is encouraging.This is an honest tale that describes relationships between an American soldier and Native Americans.The Comanche,a Native American tribe,is depicted here as real people.We gain access to the life of the main character through his intimate thoughts and feelings.What's most impressive about the film is how realistic it is.The world of the Native Americans comes to elegant life with incredible detail.Moreover,its leisurely pace,the subtitles,the wide-open spaces,the landscapes ...the physical aspects alone of this movie were enough to turn my head completely around.To say nothing of the score,the photography,the writing,the characters,the acting,and Kevin Costner's lovely,skillful,controlled direction.Anyway,I like the movie which makes me smile,laugh and sometimes want to cry.
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