早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Let H(t) be the Heaviside unit step function as dened in the lectures (see also the textbook page 170.
(a) Sketch the graph of H(t- 2) - H(t - 4).
(b) The Browns have an air conditioning unit that runs at a
at rate of 67c per hour. They only use
the unit so baby Barry can have a comfortable 2-hour nap between 2pm and 4pm every day. Using
the Heaviside unit step function, determine a periodic formula for the hourly cost of running the air
conditioner unit at any point in a 24 hour day (let noon be t = 0).
(c) The Smiths' house has an air conditioning unit whose hourly cost starts at $1.60, but then decreases
on a linear scale until after two hours it reaches a rate of 60c per hour. It remains at a rate of 60c
per hour for every hour after that. Using the Heaviside unit step function, determine a formula for
the hourly cost of running the air conditioner at t hours, assuming it is turned on when t = 0 and
left on permanently. What is the hourly cost at the 80 minute mark?
H(t)是课上定义的单位阶跃函数 (见课本170页)
(a) 作函数H(t-2)-H(t-4)的图像