早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





What is the boy going to buy?

A.Some juice.

B.Some oranges.

C.Some apples.



1.What does the woman want to do?

A.To go for a walk.

B.To watch TV.

C.To go to a movie.

2.What's the man's telephone number?




3.How's the weather in London tomorrow?




4.Why is the girl late?

A.Because she had to do her homework at home.

B.Because she visited her grandma this morning.

C.Because she had to stay with her grandma at home.

5.What does the woman mean?

A.The man phoned the dentist earlier before that.

B.The man may not see the dentist right now.

C.She is sorry that she is too busy to help him.



6.What would the man like to eat?




7.Why didn't the man eat breakfast?

A.Because he got up too late this morning.

B.Because his aunt didn't make it for him.

C.Because he was not feeling well this morning.


8.Where did the woman go two months ago?


B.New York.


9.How did the woman go there?

A.By train.

B.By car.

C.By plane.

10.How long did the woman stay in Disneyland?

A.For two days.

B.For three days.

C.For four days.


11.When does the boy want to see a movie?

A.This Friday.

B.This Saturday.

C.This Sunday.

12.Which movie can the boy watch?

A.The Sound of Music.

B.My Father's Birthday.

C.Black September.

13.What can we get from this conversation?

A.The tickets are 15 dollars each.

B.The movie starts at 8∶00 in the morning.

C'.The boy thinks the tickets are too expensive.


14.Where does this monologue(独白)probably happen?

A.At a bus stop.

B.In a car.

C.In a classroom.

15.Who saved the driver's life?

A.His best friend.

B.The old lady.

C.The young woman.

16.How many people are there in the story?





17.Where was the picture taken?

A.At my birthday party.

B.At my mum's birthday party.

C.At my sister's birthday party.

18.Who is an engineer?

A.My father.

B.My mother.

C.Uncle Simon.

19.What is Aunt Liz good at?

A.Speaking Chinese.


C.Playing the piano.

20.Which of the following is true?

A.My father can play football.

B.My uncle is 45 years old.

C.My parents are at the front of the picture.




  答案:A B C C B A B C C A B A C C A B B A C B 7∶30/seven thirty/half past seven meeting room Mr Green/our foreign teacher a(small)present/gift dancing



  M:I'm going shopping Mum.Do you need anything?

  W:Yes get some apples and some oranges to make juice with.

  M:Well we already have lots of oranges.

  W:OK just some apples then.


  A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小 题。每段对话读两遍。

  1.W:Hello! Kevin! What are you doing now?

  M:Not much.Do you have any plans?

  W:I want to take a walk.

  2.M:Hello may I speak to Mary please?

  W:Sorry she's out at the moment.Can I take a message?

  M:Thanks.Please ask her to call me back.My telephone number is 8-5-1-3-2-6-9.

  W:8513269 right?

  M:That's right.

  3.M:We're going to London tomorrow.

  W:Will it be snowy?

  M:You must be kidding! It may not even be cold just wet.The weather report says it will be windy.

  4.M:Hey Sally.You're late.The museum is closed.

  W:Sorry .My grandma visited us this morning so I stayed at home and talked with her.

  M:That's OK.

  5.M:Oh please.I have to see the dentist right now.I have a terrible toothache.

  W:Sorry he is busy now.Let me see have you phoned before?

  M:Sorry I haven't.



  W:Hi Jason How are you?

  M:I'm hungry.

  W:I can bring you some food.What would you like?

  M:Noodles please.

  W:I' 11 go and get some for you.Did you eat breakfast?


  W:Why didn't you eat breakfast?

  M:My aunt was not at home.She didn't make breakfast for me.


  W:What are you going to do on holiday Tony?

  M:We're going to Sydney.

  W:You'll love it! I went there two months ago.We had a great time.

  M:How long did it take to get there?

  W:It took about 12 hours.

  M:And who was with you?

  W:My aunt and uncle met me at the airport.

  M:And where did you go?

  W:Well first we went to Disneyland.

  M:How long did you spend there?

  W:We spent two days there.And then we went shopping.


  W:Hello People's Cinema.Can I help you?

  M:Hello I'm phoning about tickets for this Saturday

  W:Which movie would you like to watch?

  M:Have you got tickets for "My Father's Birthday"?

  W:Sorry.There aren't any tickets left for it.

  M:What about " The Sound of Music"?

  W:Oh yes.We have some tickets.

  M:Oh right.What time does the movie start?

  W:It starts at eight o'clock in the evening.

  M:OK.How much do the tickets cost?

  W:They're 50 dollars each.

  M:50 dollars?! Can I phone back later? I'll ask my mum.

  W:Oh that's OK.


  Hello boys and girls.Now I'm going to tell you a story.You need to listen carefully because I've got a problem about the story for you to discuss.Are you ready?-OK.

  A man is driving home late at night.It's raining and it's very cold.At a bus stop he sees three people waiting for a bus.The first person is his best friend.This friend once saved his life.The second person is an old lady.She's very ill and needs to go to hospital.The third person is a young woman.The man loves this woman very much.The man wants to help all the three people but he can only take one person in his car.What should he do?

  I'll give you 5 minutes to have a discussion in groups of four.After discussion please tell us your answer and tell us why


  Hello! Everyone! Let me show you a nice picture.

  This is my family at my mum's birthday party last year.These are my parents.My father is 12 and he's an engineer.He rides a horse very well.My mother is a nurse.She is 38.She works very hard.Uncle Simon is behind my parents.He's 45 years old and he's a doctor at a hospital.He can play football.My aunt Liz is next to Uncle Simon.She's my mum's sister.She's 31 years old.She's a music teacher.She plays the piano very well and she can speak a little Chinese.

  My sister and I are in front of my parents.We are both students.

  That's all.Thanks a lot!


  Good morning here is Sunshine High School on the radio.There's a wonderful party in our school meeting room tonight.It starts at 7∶30.It's for our foreign teacher-MrGreen.He has been teaching here for 2 years.He teaches so well that everyone likes him.But he's going back to London next week.So we'll have to say goodbye to him.To show our thanks everyone can bring a small present for him.The Beach Boys will play all their new songs.They're our favorite band.Everyone will dance to the music.We'll be enjoying ourselves here.Come and join us! See you at 7∶30 tonight.
