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请根据下面的提示,写一封正式推荐信,向王老师推荐 Simon当你们的班长。
2.非常自信(举一例)    3. 聪明(举一例)    4.乐于助人 (举一例)   
5. 谦虚,不炫耀
要求:1. 词数不少于100个词  2. 不逐字句翻译 合理安排 适当举例
Dear Mr Wang
I’m writing to recommend Helen as our new monitor.
Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Wang
I’m writing to recommend Helen as our new monitor.
Simon is very energetic and active,so he is full of power and strength. He’d like to be a leader when he grows up. Simon is confident enough to make a speech in front of a large number of people. He is both clever and hardworking, so he always gets good results at school. Once he even got full marks in the final exam.
Besides, he is a helpful boy. When something worries us, we all like to go to him and he always gives good advice. Last summer, he spend all his free time helping Red Cross with the charity work.
Simon has many other good qualities. He is organized and good at computers. But he is so modest that he never shows himself off. In a word, Simon is the most suitable to be the new monitor. We hope you agree with us.
Yours sincerely


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