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A young mother went into a small bedroom. Her baby was sleeping there. There was a cat near the baby.The mother took the cat away immediately, because the cat often lay on the baby. Then the baby couldn't breathe, and it died by magic(魔力). In many countries, people are afraid of black cats because they bring bad luck. Napoleon didn't like black cats.He saw a black cat before the battle of Waterloo.He lost the battle and the British won. Therefore, on the Continent,the black cat is unlucky; in Britain it is lucky. In general, animals are lucky and birds are unlucky. In the British army, some have a goat for luck,and some have an Irish wolfhound(猎狼犬). When President of France Eisenhower died,there was a horse in the funeral(葬礼) procession. This was for luck. Several years ago in Britain, Prince Charles went fox hunting. When they caught the first fox, they killed it.Then they put some of the blood on Prince Charles.They did the same thing two years later,when Princess Anne went fox hunting for the first time. A lot of people don't like fox hunting,and they were very angry when this happened.It is called “being blooded”;and fox hunters think that is very necessary. It brings good luck to the new fox hunter,when the blood of the first fox is put on him or her. In the country,it is very lucky when you see the first lamb in spring while birds are usually unlucky,but eagles are different. They are lucky, and the Romans have the eagle as their symbol(象征).Also gulls are lucky.Sailors are very happy when gulls follow their ships.1. Why did the mother in the passage take away the cat? A. She loved the cat. B. The cat would hurt the baby. C. The cat may lie on the baby. D. She didn't like black cats.2. According to the passage, Napoleon lost the battle in Waterloo because ____ . A. he saw a black cat before it B. the number of his soldiers was too small C. the war broke out on the Continent D. the British were too strong3. Some of the blood of the fox was put on Charles and Anne because ____. A. they are prince and princess of Britain B. it could bring good luck to them C. a lot of people liked fox hunting D. they wanted to hunt more foxes4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. In Britain, it is very lucky when you see the first lamb in spring. B. The Romans made the eagle their symbol. C. In France, people have goats for luck. D. In Italy, black cats are unlucky.5. What's the main idea of this passage? A. People think an Irish wolfhound is lucky while a goat is unlucky. B. How the baby died. C. People in different countries take different animals as their lucky ones. D. Gulls are lucky.
A young mother went into a small bedroom. Her baby was sleeping there. There was a cat near the baby.The mother took the cat away immediately, because the cat often lay on the baby. Then the baby couldn't breathe, and it died by magic(魔力). In many countries, people are afraid of black cats because they bring bad luck. Napoleon didn't like black cats.He saw a black cat before the battle of Waterloo.He lost the battle and the British won. Therefore, on the Continent,the black cat is unlucky; in Britain it is lucky. In general, animals are lucky and birds are unlucky. In the British army, some have a goat for luck,and some have an Irish wolfhound(猎狼犬). When President of France Eisenhower died,there was a horse in the funeral(葬礼) procession. This was for luck. Several years ago in Britain, Prince Charles went fox hunting. When they caught the first fox, they killed it.Then they put some of the blood on Prince Charles.They did the same thing two years later,when Princess Anne went fox hunting for the first time. A lot of people don't like fox hunting,and they were very angry when this happened.It is called “being blooded”;and fox hunters think that is very necessary. It brings good luck to the new fox hunter,when the blood of the first fox is put on him or her. In the country,it is very lucky when you see the first lamb in spring while birds are usually unlucky,but eagles are different. They are lucky, and the Romans have the eagle as their symbol(象征).Also gulls are lucky.Sailors are very happy when gulls follow their ships.1. Why did the mother in the passage take away the cat? A. She loved the cat. B. The cat would hurt the baby. C. The cat may lie on the baby. D. She didn't like black cats.2. According to the passage, Napoleon lost the battle in Waterloo because ____ . A. he saw a black cat before it B. the number of his soldiers was too small C. the war broke out on the Continent D. the British were too strong3. Some of the blood of the fox was put on Charles and Anne because ____. A. they are prince and princess of Britain B. it could bring good luck to them C. a lot of people liked fox hunting D. they wanted to hunt more foxes4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. In Britain, it is very lucky when you see the first lamb in spring. B. The Romans made the eagle their symbol. C. In France, people have goats for luck. D. In Italy, black cats are unlucky.5. What's the main idea of this passage? A. People think an Irish wolfhound is lucky while a goat is unlucky. B. How the baby died. C. People in different countries take different animals as their lucky ones. D. Gulls are lucky.
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