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nowadays, the impact that the technology has had in our daily life in gerneral is undeniable. so, a defining character of people is the degree to which they are willing to living a better life. consequently, some people assert that it is better to live in the city than to live in the contryside. i doubt whether this view could bear much analysis.
it is unquestionable that there are many benefits if you are in the city, not only for teenagers, but also for old. in the city, teenagers can get education with higher qulity. they will use long-distance education at home instead of going to school on foot everyday. as for old guys, they have better medical conditions to keep in good health.
however, it is also indisputable that living in the rural is also very nice. in the rural, people can enjoy the fresh air and blue sky. they can also chat with their love at night sitting in a tranquil
place, smelling the nice aura of hay nearby. what a happy moment! in addition, people can also get close to the nature. and that is why many parents, now, like to take their kids to the countryside on vacation.
from the evidence offered above, i can hardly agree that it is better to live in the city rather than in the rural place.

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